Wednesday, 14 November 2012


"MULTI-FUNCTIONING CUTTING TOOL" As Major Project For Engineer's..???

              The study and model of a “MULTI-FUNCTIONING CUTTING TOOL” provides an opportunity to the student to demonstrate his/her knowledge, skill and competencies required during the technical session. This report also helps the students to devote his/her skill to analyze the theme “MULTI-FUNCTIONING CUTTING TOOL” technically and economically.
              The purpose of this report is to provide more information about the cutting tools with the help of working model, diagrams and some data's and try our level best to make this report as instructive as possible. The terminology, definitions and notations used in this report have, in most cases, according to Indian standards or from international standards and the data’s collected from some relevant sources.
            We will be failing in duty if we do not express sincere thanks to my department, who helps us to complete this report successfully. We have tried our level best to prepare this report and model an error free report, every effort has been made to offer the most authentic information with accuracy.   


             In modern world, the life has become so fast that for getting a single minute free, we have worked out very hard for it. From many times people has demanded that their mechanical equipment might be operates automatically without using their physical means.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
             This project “MULTIFUNCTIONING CUTTING TOOL” incorporates such type of features that we able to do our work at faster speeds and with minimum physical efforts and in very short time.
            This cutting tool cuts the things such as wood, metal of any type. It also finishes or making sharp edges of the metal and finishes the surface of metal up to an extent. There is also a facility to connect so many other tools with an extension to shaft or without an extension.
            We also connect a high speed fan on extension of shaft. This has been done for comfort of workers. This tool is also able in many other operations like drilling etc.

            So This “MULTIFUNCTIONING CUTTING TOOL” can perform various operations in a Single Machine, which is compact, light weight & easy to use, which is good in all respects, i.e. economically cheap, time saving & technically sound.


·        This multipurpose cutting tool is used to cut the wooden planks into the desired pieces.
·        This multipurpose cutting tool is used to cut the metal plates up to a desired depth.
·        This multipurpose cutting tool is used to improve the surface finish of the metal, e.g. Corrosion layer.
·        This multipurpose cutting tool is used to making sharp edges of a work piece, e.g. Chisel, knife, etc.
·        In this cutting tool we can add an extension for providing other applications such as fan, special purpose grinders etc.


  • ·        This tool is very compact in size.
  • ·        It is very easy to use.
  • ·         Less skilled person is required.
  • ·        Economically very cheap.
  • ·        It is less dangerous in use.
  • ·        It takes less time in performing operation.
  • ·        It can be used anywhere.
  • ·        The drilling can be done at any position of job.
  • ·        Various operations can be done on the same platform.
  •     It consumes less power.
  •    It is very easy to manufacture.

Finally, i analyze that; this tool would have great advantages of time saving, lesser cost, suited for small scale operations..!!
The cutting tool can be used for various purposes such as wood cutting, metal cutting, surface finishing etc.
There are so many advantages in order to economy, safety, operation etc. It also consumes less power in comparison to other cutting tools. It is also the very economical and useful for small units.


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